Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Release of our new book – Champion Psychology

Today is a great day – hurray, our new book, Champion Psychology – a book for future chess champions, has been released for you:)
Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone who has sent me their questions about this topic– they are the main reason for this book! Also, thank you for your patience over the release of this book.
Let me remind you about the special offers that I’ve provided for you:
  • The first 100 buyers will get a FREE attendance (and also a recording) at my webinar “Press your opponents like Carlsen“.
  • Remaining buyers until 27 Feb. will receive the recording of my webinar “Press your opponents like Carlsen“.
  • Moreover, there will be a 25% discount on the book – and the discount code is champ25
NOTE: We’ll contact you at your e-mail address (used for the purchase) to send you the FREE invitation (or recording).
As I said, our subscribers were informed about the discount coupon in advance. Therefore, the countdown to the first 100 buyers has already started. Taking into account around 20,000 of our subscribers100 seem to be a very small number, right? :) Then, hurry up and get the book now if you want my webinar recording for FREE!

<<Get the book now>>

Note: the discount code champ25 is valid from 25 Feb. to 1 Mar. inclusive only. If you don’t know how to use a discount code, please see here: LINK
Also, you can watch the video explaining the offers below:

If you don’t know how place an order, please see here: LINK
Moreover, we’re publishing the book in e-book format only and not in paper as of now. Therefore, if you would like the book in printed version, then feel free to write your comments below or by contacting us here: LINK
Also, you would not need to pay the full price again for the paper version (if we print it) but just the additional cost that this would require. In any case, we’ll be very happy to know your thoughts. So don’t forget to let us know your needs by contacting us (LINK).
  • Webinar – Press your opponents like Carlsen: LINK
  • Get the book Champion PsychologyLINK
  • Special offers for the new book: LINK
  • How to use a discount code: LINK
  • How to place an order: LINK

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Chess Tactics – Pin

Today, I’ve prepared a nice lesson for you. Although it is mainly for beginner-levelplayers, any chess player at any level can study the lesson, recollect the basic ideas and refresh their mind. So let’s get started. :)
Chess is intellectual warfare. Here, though strategy plays a primary roletacticsalmost always finish the game.
For instance, I remember a famous quote that says:
“Chess is 99% tactics”. – Rudolph Teichmann
Generally, in a game, players always think about what to do and how to do it. “What to do?” is answered by strategy and “How to do it?” is answered bytactics. A good tactical move can even turn the tables. Tactics can be classified into many themes.
  • Pin
  • Skewer
  • Fork
  • Discovered attack
  • Double attack
Today, we’ll study the theme “Pin”.
Now the Black queen is pinned by the rook. Black cannot move the queenbecause the king would be in check. This is an example of how the rook pins the queen on a file.
Now the rook on d4 is pinned diagonally by the White queen.
Here the White knight is pinned by the Black rook on the 1st rank.
Conclusion: any piece can be pinned, either diagonally or on a rank or file.
  • queen has the power of both the rook and the bishop, so it can pindiagonallyrank and file.
  • bishop pins diagonally and
  • rook pins on the rank and file.
The defensive power of a pinned piece is but imaginary”. – Nimzowitsch

Exercise-1: Level – Easy
Black to play
Exercise-2: Level – Medium
Black to play
Exercise-3: Level – Hard
White to play
After calculating all possible variations, you can check the answers and download them here: LINK
P.S. Share this article with your friends if you enjoyed it. As I said, this is not only for beginners but any player can study it. You can share it using the buttons on the left side.

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