Thursday, 25 September 2014

How to convert “a better position” into a WIN?

While playing a chess game, quite often you can obtain a SUPERIOR position.
  • It could happen thanks to your good opening preparation.
  • Sometimes your opponent plays badly.
After that you face the famous question in chess: “How to win a won game?”question-mark-300x300
This is not as simple as it seems. An opponent gets tricky and tries to mix the things up. Often you have to play precise moves under time pressure. Then you can spoil a good game, not getting a well-deserved win.
Of course you can blame “that lucky guy” (your opponent) for that, or grieve for“an oversight in time trouble”. That’s what most players do in such cases :)
However, obviously there’s a better option. You can learn appropriate techniques and always finish your opponents off! Look at “chess killers” like Topalov, Carlsen, Adams etc. In a worse position, nobody can escape from them.
If your wish to acquire those skills of “a chess killer” – you are welcome to join my webinar on Saturday 27 September (4p.m., BST). You can get all the details and sign up for the webinar here:

Good News: join the webinar for FREE!

The webinar’s price is really small compared to the skills and results you’ll obtain. However, I know that some of the students live in developing countries and can’t afford any additional expenses.
I’ve thought about what I can do for such students and have come up with a good idea! Help us spread the word about Remote Chess Academy, and you’ll get your ticket FOR FREE.
That’s really easy, and I hope that this time everyone will be happy! :)

<< Join GM Smirnov’s webinar FOR FREE >>


Now let’s check how you should NOT play in won positions :)

Caruana – NakamuraCaruana-NakamuraWhite’s turn
White is a pawn up and is pressuring Black’s position hardly. It’s almost winning.How to turn that “almost winning” into a real full score? What would you play as White?
Actually there are even a few ways for a quick win. You might be surprised to know that Caruana (rated 2801!) – managed to drew it!
After you came up with your own solution, please, check the actual game here:LINK
P.S. This time I allow FREE entry for my webinar, while there are only 100 seats available. It’s not that much compared to around 25,000 of my subscribers :) Hurry up!

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Disaster in the Opening

IM Alex Kundin has prepared a new lesson for you: “Disaster in the Opening”. You’ll learn useful opening concepts while enjoying a really nice attacking game!

Have you enjoyed the final position of the game from the video? It’s really cool, doesn’t it? :)
Have YOU ever experienced huge troubles right in an opening? That’s quite normal actually, even strong players fall into opening traps from time to time. Club players fall apart in an opening on a regular basis :)
In this lesson you’ve observed 1 interesting example of an opening catastrophe. If you wish to train and improve your practical skills in this area, you are welcome to join Alex Kundin’s webinar “Chess Opening Disasters and Traps”on Sunday, 21 September at 4pm BST.
In this training session you will improve your opening skills, preventing opening disasters in your games. In addition to that, Alex will reveal the most effectiveopening traps beginners always fall for!

click here to know more 

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Planning, Evaluation & Fortress

When you don’t have any gaps in your chess education, your results will becomeGOOD and STABLE.
From my side, I do compare the results of different coaches, and select only the best ones for you.
So far there was a “guest coach” who got the biggest quantity of “Likes” from the students – this is Valeri Lilov with his lecture about Karpov’s Prophylaxis: LINK
With that said, I’m pleased to inform you that Lilov will conduct the next webinar for you on Sunday, 14 September. In this closed webinar, you’ll learn the practical hints for a proper middlegame play.
You can read the detailed info about the event, and sign yourself into this webinar here:

In the meanwhile, if you missed any of the past Lilov’s lessons, you may check them here:
  • Karpov’s prophylaxis: LINK
  • Typical mistakes: LINK
Finally you can enjoy a few nice positions from Valeri’s games.
Lilov – TodorovLilov - TodorovWhite’s turn
White has a clear positional advantage: he controls more space and has more active pieces. How to realize this advantage?
Note: you’ll find the answer in the end of the article.

Lilov – ChatalbashevLilov - ChaltabashevWhite’s turn
White’s f7-rook has invaded into Black’s position, but how to continue the attack?
Once you came up with your solution, please, observe the above 2 examples with my comments here: LINK
On Sunday you’ll be able to talk to Lilov personally during his webinar, and to know how he manages to find such great moves.
Please, note that in this webinar we let EVERY participant to submit his/her games and questions. Hence, if you want YOUR questions to be answered – please, sign up at earliest: LINK

Thursday, 4 September 2014

The Art of Exchange Sacrifice

Your Unique Opportunity
To take a lesson from
GM Milov (#22 in the World!)

Today I have really GREAT news for you! GM Vadim Milov will be conducting an online webinar for you on Sunday, September 7th.
Milov (rated 2705 at peak) is the TOP-level player, who defeated V. Anand, J. Polgar, V. Korchnoi – just to name a few :)
There are some things in chess that are very hard to learn on your own, for example positional understanding and an endgame play. It’s a lot easier to develop such skills while communicating with an expert player (who mastered those skills already).
Vadim Milov is exactly this type of a chess expert. In my teens I’ve been replaying his games to understand how he outplays strong GMs. Despite of my very busy schedule, this Sunday I’ll definitely attend Milov’s webinar myself. This is a too tempting opportunity to miss it!
You can get all the details about this event, and then sign yourself into the webinar via the link below.

In the meanwhile you can enjoy Milov’s video lesson The Art of Exchange Sacrifice. Pay attention on how Vadim evaluates positions and pawn structures. This reveals to you how top GMs find proper moves during their games.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Blunder of the day

Blunder Of the Day:Right now both the kings are safe but in the near future Black can get his queen to the f4 square which after white cannot keep his king safe.


In this positon white played Rd3… But is it the good move? Try to find the best way!

After you have come up with your solution, you may compare your results by looking at the Answer Here